Top Divorce lawyer in New Delhi

Things to keep in mind while choosing the Best Divorce lawyer in Delhi

Looking for a Best Divorce lawyer in Delhi? Then you must keep in mind the following things.

A divorce occurs when a husband and wife decide they no longer want to live together and are no longer married to each other. They agree to sign legal documents declaring them both single and allowing them to marry other people if they so choose.

It can seem easy, but ending a marriage is a difficult decision for a husband and wife to make. They also continue to fix issues for a long time before agreeing to divorce. However, there are occasions when they are unable to resolve the issues and conclude that divorce is the best option. Change is an inevitable part of life, but it can be particularly difficult to cope with when it affects your family.

A divorce process can be very arduous and can confuse even the most knowledgeable and worldly person. A person who wants to initiate a divorce process looks for the easiest and most reliable way to find and hire a lawyer who can not only provide the correct guidance but can also get success in the legal battle.

There are so many advocates practicing law in courts daily any lawyers out there, it becomes more important that you would like to know that you have chosen the right one for you. But how will you know that you have chosen the right one? Choosing the wrong advocate can be disastrous, so you must do good research before choosing an advocate for yourself. This article will give you an idea of all points you should keep in mind while searching for the Best Divorce lawyer.

If you want to check out How to File a Divorce in India? Click here

Factors to consider while searching for the best divorce lawyer in Delhi

Keeping in mind the perils a person can face in finding and deciding upon the correct lawyer, Lawnaturale brings you 5 ultimate tips for hiring the best divorce lawyer in Delhi for your divorce matter:

  1. Decide the kind of divorce you want to file: The first thing to do is to understand the kind of divorce that would suit your case the best. In India, there are 2 types of divorce- mutual consent divorce and contested divorce. In mutual consent divorce in India, there is an understanding between the husband and wife regarding the terms and conditions of the divorce. The divorcing husband and wife finalize the matters relating to maintenance/ alimony to be paid to the wife, custody of any child born out of that marriage, and the division of property owned by them jointly. The divorce proceedings are handled by the divorcing couple together, rather than hiring different lawyers. In a contested divorce, either the husband or wife initiates the divorce proceedings against the other. In a one-sided divorce or contested divorce, a divorce petition can be filed for any valid reason laid down under the divorce laws in India. The husband and wife have to hire different divorce advocates so that there is no conflict of interest in presenting the divorce petition in court.
  2. Decide what kind of legal services you want to choose: In addition to having a choice in the kind of divorce you wish to continue with, you get a choice in the mode of finding the right divorce attorney for your case. The first choice you get is to rely on hearsay and hire a lawyer recommended by some distant acquaintance. The second choice you get is to take to the Internet to find a good divorce advocate in Delhi. Choosing a lawyer online is a more preferable way to find a lawyer as you get to read the reviews of the previous clients, know the areas in which the lawyer specializes and then make a more educated choice.
  3. Get information on different lawyers as per your case and budget: If you choose to find a lawyer online, do your research carefully before making your final decision. Don’t jump to conclusions that the first few results will give you the right course of action. Pick the platform/website that provides you with all the information you need on divorce lawyers in Delhi. When you’re using the internet to find a lawyer, make sure you finalize the one that lays down the fee structure for your divorce matters and details about your lawyer first.
  4. Select a lawyer for consultation: After finding the right website to find divorce lawyers online, you must consult a lawyer first before you go ahead with the advocate for your court case. You must talk to the lawyer first, review all the possible legal scenarios for your divorce with the lawyer, get clarity on any queries you have regarding your divorce process and see if the lawyer is suitable for your case. Hire a divorce lawyer only if you’re content with the legal plan laid down by the lawyer.
  5. Hire the lawyer to file a divorce petition in Delhi: Once all the discussions and checks, you can hire the best divorce lawyer in Delhi for your case. If you opt for a contested divorce, make sure that you hire a lawyer who holds expertise in dealing with not just divorce petitions, but maintenance petitions and child custody petitions as well.

Qualities you want in your lawyer

Divorce proceedings are lengthy and tedious, and the lawyer you choose will be representing you for several months, if not a year or more. Choosing the right lawyer will make the divorce process simpler for you and your family.

When you’re looking for an attorney to represent you in your divorce, look for the following characteristics:

  1. Look in the appropriate places- To find a good lawyer, begin with recommendations from family, friends, and coworkers. Do your homework and find someone you can trust as well as afford. You can also ‘Google’ your way to finding the best lawyer in your field and read online reviews or ratings.
  2. Capable, accomplished, and knowledgeable- To get the best results, hire a seasoned divorce attorney with experience in matrimonial law who has also handled similar family law cases. If your case includes complicated issues such as child custody or adultery, look for a lawyer who has dealt with similar cases before and is familiar with the issues in your case.
  3. Available- When interviewing a lawyer, you can ask about their working hours and response time, as well as their message return policy, so that you can set your standards appropriately. Your lawyer will be working on more than just your case at any given time, so don’t expect an immediate response when you have a question. To ensure that your case receives the time and attention it deserves, chooses an attorney with a modest workload.
  4. A good communicator – Throughout your case, you will be dealing with different parties. Your most crucial contact is with your attorney. He or she should be willing to answer all of your questions and clear up any concerns you might have so that you know exactly what you’re getting into. Your lawyer’s job is to make sure you are aware of your case’s flaws and strengths, as well as the litigation’s likely result.
  5. Be honest and open with your divorce lawyer- Nothing should be kept hidden from your lawyer. Be honest about your marital issues, such as verbal, emotional, or physical violence. Your lawyer must also be truthful with you, telling you exactly where you are in the case and not giving you false hope. This clarification will aid you and your lawyer in strategically presenting the details of the disputed case in court. It could also help you win your divorce case against your spouse. Your honesty is important, and your lawyer must maintain the strictest degree of confidentiality.
    Once all the discussions and checks, you can hire the best divorce lawyer in Delhi for your case. If you opt for a contested divorce, make sure that you hire a lawyer who holds expertise in dealing with not just divorce petitions, but maintenance petitions and child custody petitions as well.

Questions to ask your potential Advocate

  1. How long have you been practicing law? The first question you should ask any potential advocate is what his area of expertise is and whether he is a long-serving advocate or just a beginner. The best person to handle your legal issues depends on the specifics of your case, but generally, it is best to hire an experienced advocate.
  2. Who are your regular clients? This is an important question that is often overlooked by the clients: what legal issues does your chosen advocate represent? For example, if you have a legal issue related to adoption, but your chosen advocate represents only corporations, then he/she may not be the best choice for you.
  3. How many similar cases to mine you have represented? You must feel free to ask about the record of the advocate how many similar cases to yours he/she has handled and what number of cases had won or settled.
  4. What are your fees and costs, and what is the billing procedure? You must know whether or not you’ll be able to afford the advocate’s services, and what payment procedures are required. You must also ask about payment options.
  5. What are the possible outcomes of my case? Advocates are not psychic, so they will never guarantee a specific result. However, they should be able enough to tell you the likely outcome of your case through its preliminary assessment.
  6. How long will this case take? The advocate will give you an estimated time in which the case will get resolved. You should keep in mind that the advocates don’t control the speed of the process, so they can’t make any promises regarding when the case will get over.
  7. How will we communicate with each other? You should have a comfortable relationship with your attorney from the beginning, and you should communicate regularly with each other. Exchange contact information, and decide how communication will take place.
  8. Are there any other means to solve my legal issue? You may wish to ask the advocate whether or not there are any other means such as arbitration or some other out-of-the-court settlement through which your legal issue can be solved. A good and ethical lawyer will always inform you about the less expensive and time-consuming means if available.
  9. What is my role in the preparation of the case? It’s important to figure out what you should and shouldn’t be doing to help your advocate. For example, many times you’ll be able to provide documents and background information, but your advocate will usually tell you not to speak to witnesses or do any legal work concerning the case. You know how you can help, so make sure to follow the instructions you’re given by your advocate.


Hiring a Best Divorce lawyer in Delhi can be tricky! It is a choice that must be taken with diligence and care. It is vital to strategize and follow a proper procedure to finalize a lawyer. Hasty decisions, without proper consultation, will make you end up with an average lawyer with insufficient experience.

You have a much better chance of finding the right lawyer if the above factors are considered unanimously and factored in objectively. You can do proper research on known sources and conclude. Additionally, you can find the right online advocate on an online legal directory such as Lawnaturale.com. Whether you’re looking for a Divorce Lawyer, a Criminal Lawyer, or a Civil Lawyer for your legal needs. You can easily set up a consultation or post a free legal question within minutes and get to contact Lawnaturale without any hesitation.

Finally, after you make sure that you have followed all the above-mentioned tips, you can confidently hire a divorce lawyer in Delhi. It’s important to figure out what you should and shouldn’t be doing to help your advocate. For example, many times you’ll be able to provide documents and background information, but your advocate will usually tell you not to speak to witnesses or do any legal work concerning the case. You know how you can help, so make sure to follow the instructions you’re given by your advocate.

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