The Patna High Court is the High Court of the Indian state of Bihar, located in Patna. It was established in 1916 and has jurisdiction over the state of Bihar. The current Chief Justice of the Patna High Court is Honorable Justice Sanjay Karol.

Landmark Judgements of Patna High Court

Prohibition of Alcohol in Bihar – In 2016, the Patna High Court upheld the ban on alcohol in Bihar, stating that it was necessary to protect public health and morality.

Reservation in Promotions – In 2020, the Patna High Court ruled that reservations in promotions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were constitutional, provided that the government could show that such reservations were necessary to address the under-representation of these groups in the government workforce.

Right to Privacy – In 2018, the Patna High Court held that privacy is a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution, and that the government must respect and protect this right.

Environmental Protection – In 2021, the Patna High Court ordered the closure of a polluting factory in Patna, holding that the right to a clean and healthy environment is a fundamental right of citizens.

Quashing of Criminal Proceedings – In 2021, the Patna High Court quashed criminal proceedings against a journalist for reporting on corruption, holding that freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution.